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"No one escapes my sights!"
Darcia and newborn Van
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"If I can keep living happily with mother like this, I don't need a 4th life."

Zandia, the Tiny Genius (【小さき天才】ザンディア ()) is the second princess of Talosheim, and despite titan's general inaptitute with magic, she is a genius magical girl who possesses an affinity for all attributes (except the death attribute).[2] After training seriously in magic, she rose to become a B-class adventurer in her teenage years, being praised as the "Tiny Genius."[3]


She is two meters tall, which is rather short for a titan.[?] "After becoming a Zombie, there are several holes in her body, and Gubamon remodeled her to be able to cast spells using a staff connected to her by special tubes. In exchange, she lost the Augmented Stamina skill that Titans possess from birth and was tormented by extreme pain. But now, those devices have all been removed and her body has been restored."[3]

"Incidentally, she is still outside of the bust rankings, but it is thought that the volume of her chest is around the level where she contends with Zadiris, who has a similar name to her."[3]


When she was young, she let her magical talents get to her head, but that attitude was broken when she learnt that qualities mean nothing without training, as a result of the special education that she received from Borkus, who was already known as the "Sword King" back then, as well as other heroes of Talosheim, and she did serious training in magic. "Because she grew up around her slightly air-headed older sister and the heroes of Talosheim who had great individuality, she actually became someone with common sense."[3]

She also has an odd artistic sense, finding Vandalieu's grotesque Demon King familiars cute.[4]


"Almost all of her skills are magic, and this is because she spent almost all of her less-than-twenty years on training in magic. Even so, she normally wouldn’t have been able to gain such high levels in these skills, but the effects of her Genius of Magic unique skill makes it easier than normal to gain magic-related skills."[3]


  • First mentioned in chapter 28[2]
  • She's renowned as the "Tiny Genius" for her affinity with all the attributes, despite titan's general inaptitude with magic. This title does not have any effects that limit the restriction of certain body parts.[3]
  • Lefdia is an Undead monster from Zandia's left hand, which had been cut off, started to move on her own. She does not appear in the web novel.[5]


  1. Chapter 129: The heroes comforting the king with their bodies (Web Novel)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Chapter 28: The conditions in which the first objective can be achieved (LightnovelBastion)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Volume 6: Reincarnator Uprising (Web Novel)
  4. Chapter 235: The heroes and heroic spirits battling deep underground (Web Novel)
  5. Vol. 7, Chapter 31: The Looming Approach (Manga)